It's Launch Day!

It's Launch Day!

It's finally here and I'm doing a Happy Dance!

First Ask Why: Raising Kids to Love God Through Intentional Discipleship releases today! Hopefully as I write this, booksellers are stocking their shelves or loading their Amazon trucks to deliver this book into the hands of many.

It has long been my belief that our world needs families who want to make a difference for Christ. This book provides just a few suggestions for intentionally pouring the gospel into the lives of our kids. And it is the gospel that makes the difference. Parents are just the tools that will help disciple our kids. We're not aiming for perfection here--just a little more intention.

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First Ask Why: Why Are We Here?

First Ask Why: Why Are We Here?

As a little girl, when I wasn't worried about the supposed burglar who, I was certain, was trying to climb in my window, I was plagued by deep thoughts as I fell asleep each night. I'd wonder about God. I'd wonder about life. And death. And I'd wonder about the big questions like "Why am I here?" (I know. I've got issues.) Many nights, I'd stare at the pink flowers on my wallpaper, winding their way up to the ceiling, and simply wonder. 

Have you ever wondered why you’re here? Not just in that big, cosmic sense, although that’s a good question too, but in the sense of why are we here as a family? Why is this particular collection of people put together under one roof?

I mean, families are pretty messy! Kids have different personalities, different needs, different challenges. Why has God brought this particular combination of people together to create what we call “our family”?

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Announcing the First Ask Why Launch Team!

Announcing the First Ask Why Launch Team!

First Ask Why: Raising Kids to Love God Through Intentional Discipleship, the book-baby I've been working on for the past two years, will finally see the light of day on April 24. Its message is this: God's purpose for our families is that we shine the light of Jesus into a dark world, and our job as parents to disciple our kids so that they will be equipped to take that light with them when they leave our homes. While they are with us, we must be intentional about discipline our kids, helping them to see Jesus all around them, every day. We start, not by asking how, but by asking why.

It's a message I believe in with my whole heart. It's a message that I believe will help parents and families to see a bigger picture than just living out the day-to-day. I believe it's important to strengthen our families and our kids' faith, especially today.

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