Character in a Crisis: Love

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

This week is what Christians all over the world call Holy Week—the week leading up to Easter when we celebrate a risen Christ. As I read the story of Jesus’s last gathering with his disciples, I was struck by the character traits that Jesus emulated. Traits that allowed him to step toward the cross and purchase our redemption.

I want to look a little more closely at the character of Christ as he walked through his own crisis, in hope that it will help us walk through what is surely our collective time of crisis in the world.


Love: John 15:12-17

Love was Jesus’s motivation in everything he did. Love led him to lay aside his heavenly throne and come to earth. Love caused him to live on earth and show compassion to the lost and the hurting.

Love led Christ to the cross. 

And now, as he continues his instruction to his friends, he asks his disciples to love one another because this, and this alone, is how the world will know that they are from God. 

They love each other.

How can we show love during this Covid crisis?

As I said in my last post, we can show love by staying home, following the guidelines, obeying our governmental authorities (Romans 13).

Many are showing love by taking meals to shut ins or buying groceries for the elderly. Healthcare workers show love by going to work. 

But really, this is the question I’m asking myself these days—how can I show love to others right now? Oh, I can think of a few things. By making a phone call to someone on my mind (if you know me you know how hard it is for me to pick up the phone!). By writing notes of encouragement. Sending a text. These are small, easy ways to show love. 

But there is, for me, a more difficult, but more important way to love others: by offering grace. By resisting the temptation to judge others for the way they have decided to handle this situation. By keeping my mouth shut and not offering my opinion, especially since I’m no expert—I really have no idea what’s right or wrong right now. By praying for those with whom I disagree or question.

If I really think about it, there are a million ways I could love others right now. 

Am I willing? 

“Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13


Character in a Crisis series:

Day 1: Humility

Day 2: Mission

Day 3: Courage