Five Minute Friday: Home

Oh boy. Today's FMF is going to be a challenge. How can you write on a topic like Home for only five minutes?

Let's give it a try and see what happens. Here goes.


"Home is where the heart is."

"There's no place like home."

"Welcome to my home."

All cliches about home. But what is home really?

Is it a place? Physical, snuggly, warm?

Is it a memory? All wrapped up in happy thoughts and a slightly abstract picture of reality?

Is it a longing? A feeling of not yet, but also not now?

I'm reading the book of Exodus right now, and I can see that Home is none of these things. Those poor Israelites, wandering, wandering, wandering toward home. Grumbling, complaining, questioning toward home. Wanting more. Looking back in abstract. Wishing for something else.

But the "something else" can not be attained here, now. The "not yet" hasn't arrived.

And so I grumble and complain my way through my days sometimes, with a feeling of uncertain longing for a Home I cannot see. Not yet. Not now.

Until Someone comes to guide me there.


Well now, that's certainly not how I thought this would go. And that's the fun of Five Minute Friday.

Thanks for joining me in my journey today. (And be sure to come back later because I have a new recipe to share with you. Woot!)

One more thing . . . head on over to Lisa-Jo's to read more Five Minute Friday posts. You'll find a lot of great takes on this topic!


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