Gratitude Journal

Hello, Monday!

It's been a while since I've linked up with Ann or even kept up with my list of 1,000 gratitudes, but it's never too late to continue. It's weird, I think about this all the time, but I forget to write things down (Ann's suggestion of a notebook is probably a good one, huh?). This week I remembered to write a few things down, so I'll list them here.

166. Safety from the storms we had last week.

167. God's power revealed through the storm.

168. Our generator (something I truly am grateful for).

169. Firefly disco ball at an empty lot nearby.

170. Sharing this finding with my daughter.

171. Good neighbors.

172. Courage to press "send."

173. An encouraging response.

174. Date nights.

175. Time spent on a lake.

176. A perfect Sunday.

177. Kate's attitude about her summer.

178. Two (two!) phone calls from Caroline this weekend.

179. God's answered prayers on behalf of our girls.

180. Anticipation

I have so much to look forward to this summer. I'll write more about it soon, but for now, just know that I feel so spoiled.

And thankful. So very thankful.

Linking up with Ann Voskamp today. Be grateful.
