The Spectacular Ordinary: Day 7

Earlier this week I mentioned that I had taken Kate shopping for a new dress for a big event she was going to attend later in the week. I can tell you now that she was invited to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC on Thursday.

I know, right?!

So cool!

She got home yesterday (Friday) morning and headed straight to class because that's just how she rolls--early morning flight? Classes all day? No problem!

After class, she stopped by the house to drop off her suitcase, and we ended up sitting at the kitchen table talking about her experience in DC this week and solving all the world's problems together. (You  know, just the usual things--work life, feminism, marriage, just to name a few.) I tell you what, there's nothing like having great kids who will sit and help you solve the world's problems at your kitchen table. It just warms my heart.

She left, and about 10 minutes later my phone rang. It was one of Kate's housemates.

"Shelly, Kate's fine, but she's been in an accident."

Just the words every mom does NOT want to hear.

I threw on my coat and rushed over to the site of the accident. Not to belabor the situation, I'll just tell you that Kate is fine. Someone pulled out in front of her from a parking lot, so she hit them pretty hard. Her head connected with her steering wheel pretty hard, too, so she has a fairly nasty goose egg on the top of her head.

You know, yesterday morning when I woke up I thought, "I can't imagine that anything spectacular will happen today--it's all routine today." And then this.

As I was putting on my shoes and throwing on my coat to be with my daughter, I thought to myself, "Ten minutes. Ten minutes is all it takes."


I have lived with this knowledge for most of my life. I have known from past experience that life can change in an instant, with a phone call, but this time it was my phone and my daughter and the reality that something much worse could have happened hit me hard.

So today I realized once again that God's protection over my kids is something I take for granted, but it's really, truly, something spectacular.